Harp seal oil is a complete source of omega-3.
It contains natural and balanced levels of EPA, DHA and DPA to help your health. DPA is an important part of omega-3 with proven benefits:
- Better absorption to optimize omega-3
- 10 x more effective than EPA in repairing damaged vessels
- Helps boost EPA and DHA
For all stages of life
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to your health. Your body needs fatty acids to function. Clinical research shows that omega-3 has many health benefits for your eyes, brain, central nervous system and heart.
Prenantal, Infants & Children
- Maintain brain, retina growth and development
- Improve hand-eye coordination
- Enhance intellectual development
Teens & Young Adults
- Improve behavior and attention skills
- Relieve signs and symptoms of mood disorders
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve heart health
- Slow progressions of age-related macular degeneration
- Reduce cholesterol
- Improve bone density and reduce joint pain
- Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
- Maintain memory
DPA Gold
Complete source of
omega-3 - Natural and balanced level
Humane, professional
and sustainable -
- Strictest quality and safety standards
- Largest distributor of harp seal oil
- Most approvals and registrations
Flax Oil
- Incomplete source of omega-3
- No DPA, EPA and DHA
enviromental impact -
- High and unnecessary omega-6
- Easily Becomes Rancid
Fish Oil
- Incomplete source of omega-3
- No DPA unnatural amount of EPA and DHA
enviromental impact -
- Altered with chemicals like ethanol and acetone
Krill Oil
- Incomplete source of omega-3
- No DPA
enviromental impact -
- Lack of research