Natural, Complete, Canadian Omega-3.
Is your omega-3 a natural, Canadian and complete source of EPA, DHA and DPA?
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"The Major Competitive advantage that we offer at DPA Industries is experience and quality. We have been doing this for over 20 years and we are the largest distributor of harp seal oil in the world"

"I trust Canadian products and also, it's made by Canadians, so that's so safe for me, that's why I choose Canadian product especially DPA seal oil."

"I realized that I needed to find something a little more natural, a little more researched based, and DPA Omega-3 was a hit for me for sure"

"As a teacher, I see children every day and realize the importance of brain development, and this is so helpful with that, as well as with the rest of their organs and their growing up and what not, so it's a great supplement to diet for anybody."

"I trust Canadian products and also, it's made by Canadians, so that's so safe for me, that's why I choose Canadian product, especially DPA seal oil."